
Unlock premium features!

Premium Plans

Plan A

Activate premium in 1 server

24/7 mode

Autoplay mode

Unique audio effects

No vote requirement

Premium role (on our community server)

Create 100 playlist

Access to 3 premium bots

Add 10000+ songs in playlist


USD Per Month

Plan B

Activate premium in 3 servers

24/7 Mode

Access to 3 premium bots

Unlimited tracks in queue

Create 500 playlists

Amazing audio filters

Volume Command

Unlimited Spotify Links

Unlimited Youtube Links

Unlimited Queue Length

Priority support all times


USD Per Month

Plan C

Activate premium in 7 servers

Includes all benefits of Plan B



Plan D

Activate premium in 10 servers

Includes all benefits of Plan B



How to activate premium perks?

If you have already purchased the premium, please link your patreon account to your discord account. Failure to complete this action will result in the loss of access to your premium features.

Play millions of songs in your discord server

It's easy with Swelly.

Swelly Premium

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